KAHA wholesaler is the reseller for hotel reservation services the Indonesian hotel especially to serve agent locally and international agencies. The competitive price and the competent, friendly and professional staff were ready to serve all travel agencies that were in partnership with us. At this time already have more than 1,000 sub agent that gathered locally and overseas agencies.
If you are the travel agent, please come on gathered with us. Enjoy the very competitive price and the professional service. With the reputation and the KAHA experience that were proven could support the smoothness of the process of the ordering of the room
with the hotel side, and was supported with the FREESALE SYSTEM superiority that gave the ease for the customers to receive fast confirmation (instant confirmation). KAHA was also supported with system ONLINE RESERVATION [KHON-V03] where partners / agent can have own printed hotel voucher in your own place.
Join with us now…!!!
Website : www.kaha-wholesaler.com